Monday, August 06, 2012


Esta mañana he entrado en internet para seguir en directo la llegada a Marte de la sonda Curiosity, y me he encontrado con un microrrelato mío publicado en la sección de Cultura de la web de El País. El microrrelato en cuestión es el que aparece en este enlace como ganador del viernes 3 de agosto, escrito por un tal ILESC.
Ciencia ficción y costumbrismo en menos de 280 caracteres.


This morning, when sitting in front of my computer to watch the landing of NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars, I found that a micro-story I wrote was published at the Culture section of Spanish digital newspaper El País. If you can read Spanish, you can find it here. It's the micro-story of August 3rd, written by ILESC.

In case you can't read Spanish (and are too old to start learning) let me translate it for you:

"The robot went out to buy milk and eggs. The family waited for him all day, and at sunset he came back with six hens and a cow. The hens were settled in the laundry room, but they had to return the cow because it kept eating grandma's petunias."