Sunday, October 30, 2016


Ayer tuve el honor y el placer de dar una charla (clase magistral, la llaman) durante el XXII Salón del Manga de Barcelona. Estuve hablando sobre mi experiencia como guionista del videojuego Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age y la verdad es que, aunque una hora se me quedó corta para soltar todo el rollo que llevaba preparado, me lo pasé genial.
Desde aquí mi agradecimiento a FICOMIC y al gran Santi Casas, que organizó toda la movida.


Yesterday I had the pleasure and honor of giving a talk (masterclass, they call it) during the 22nd Barcelona Manga Convention. I was talking about my experience as narrative designer for the video game Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age. Even though an hour wasn't time enough for the boring drag I had prepared, I really had a great time.
Thanks to FICOMIC and the awesome Santi Casas, who was organizing everything there.